Drainage systems in kitchens or food and production facilities can be critical to their operation. These systems need to cater to the specific needs of each facility and install scenario, this will likely include hydraulic performance, load rating, slip resistance and ongoing cleaning / maintenance. Each commercial kitchen or production facility will have a unique layout to best enhance the efficiency of its operation. This often results in machinery / equipment and workstations being in defined locations with services designed to fit and cater to that exact space and requirement.
Allproof’s commercial kitchen channel (CK Series) has been a key go-to product for these projects. Customisation has been widely utilised to develop the best solution for each installation, when customising a CK Series product the installer can select from a variety of variables such as size, outlet location, quantity of outlets and grate options. While this option provides a high degree of flexibility it also involves lead times as Allproof’s team of fabricators need to draw / design it before cutting a flat pattern, folding, welding, and cleaning. Some projects might have tight timelines that do not allow for this process, therefore Allproof has designed an innovative modular channel, the MC Series, which can be assembled from stock components to create desired layouts.

The MC Series has been designed to provide an off-the-shelf solution that is easy to transport and assemble on site, while also creating a system that can be tailored to suit each unique scenario. It comprises of channels and sumps all connected with bolted unions using gaskets and end caps. Outlets suit 100mm PVC or HDPE pipe with O-rings and come with a double strainer basket. Sumps and channels include anti-float tags and 15mm epoxy-filled safety edge.
The channels come as 100mm or 200mm clear opening in one-metre and two-metre lengths. Channels are available in 100mm and 125mm depths as well as a joiner channel with built-in fall to connect them. Additionally, a one-metre length channel with a 125mm depth is available with a centre outlet in both width options.
Sump sizes are available to suit the two channel width options providing a 200mm and 300mm clear opening. Sumps have been designed to connect to the channels as either the endpoint or as a continuous sump in the centre of channels.
The MC Series provides a high degree of flexibility by creating layouts to suit the requirements of each installation. For example, if located in front of a chiller door a 1m channel and sump could be selected, creating a 1200mm length drainage system spanning the width of the opening. A slip-resistant ladder (SRL) grate would provide an ideal solution for fast-moving foot traffic and heavy wheel loads moving stock in and out. If the install is in a large canteen or restaurant kitchen selecting one 1m channel with a centre outlet, plus any further channels as needed for the space, with two end caps, provides an ideal solution, using a heelproof wedge wire grate will prevent service staff from potential injury.
Should an installation be in a food production factory with equipment that may release large volumes of water quickly the 200mm clear opening channels provide excellent catchment and accommodates runs of up to 6 meters terminating at a sump. A mirror image can then be run in the opposite direction, resulting in 10 meters between sumps. Overall system length is unlimited when using the continuous sump.
From these example scenarios, it’s clear the MC Series offers a high degree of flexibility while also allowing for fast turnaround, transportation, and easy onsite installation by utilising stock components. This innovative system allows installers to quickly select the required componentry and assemble the ideal solution for their project while ensuring the plumbing and drainage installation maintains pace with fast-moving construction schedules.