Designed to drain hot water cylinder valves through the safe tray.

      • Drains cylinder tray and relief valve drainage pipes with one outlet
      • 50mm BSP threaded outlet
      • Easy to install in HWC safe tray
      • Grate with pipe outlet locators meets minimum air gap requirement as per AS/NZS 3500.2
      • Grommet with diminishing ID for 20mm and 15mm pipe
      • Body moulded in high temperature rated PP
      • Grate design to contain high pressure valve drainage


We love to help with technical questions and provide further product information, however please note that we don’t provide costs direct to the market. For quotes and prices please direct your enquiry through your preferred installer and/or merchant. Please see our FAQ’s for further information on this.

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    We love to help with technical questions and provide further product information, however please note that we don’t provide costs direct to the market. For quotes and prices please direct your enquiry through your preferred installer and/or merchant. Please see our FAQ’s for further information on this.